AllGeneric.com Make offer
Generic means savings
and value - drugs, cosmetics, foods, car parts.
Multibillion dollar market...
AllGenerics.com Make offer
Excellent name! See
also AllGeneric.com above or GenericPillStore.com below...
B2BRocket.com Make offer
B2B will be one of the
most profitable areas of e-commerce. See RocketB2B.com and B2BUltra.com.
B2BUltra.com Make offer
Business to Business =
B2B. B2B e-commerce will exceed business to consumer
CampusCool.com Make offer
It's not just cool.
It's Campus Cool. College. High School. What
students buy. That's cool...
CampusKings.com Make offer
Apparel. Or goals -
Academic. Athletic. Business. Political. Social. Beating
the odds. Spring Break.
CampusQueens.com Make offer
Apparel. Or goals -
Academic. Athletic. Business. Political. Social. Beating
the odds. Spring Break.
CheckYourFacts.com Make offer
Financial, technical,
scientific, political, legal, product comparisons,
education, ezine, journalism...
DistressSignal.com Make offer
Help for health,
technical, financial, home, auto, legal, problems of all
kinds - great for PDA market...
DistressSignals.com Make offer
Similar potential to DistressSignal.com above. Also would make
a great ezine or online community...
EatCheeseCake.com Make offer
Mmmmmmm! Cheese cake!
Your choice of flavors shipped overnight.
ExportBeer.com Make offer
Beer. Good. To here or
from here. Wherever here is. Export beer. Time for
something different.
ExportBeers.com Make offer
Beer. Good. To here or
from here. Wherever here is. Export beer. Time for
something different.
FaintOfHeart.com Make offer
Romance. Relationships.
Singles. Dating. Divorce. Horror. Worried. Scared.
Phobic, ezine...
FashionMavens.com Make offer
You and your associates
know fashion. Everyone comes to you for advice...
FashionSassy.com Make offer
You're Fashionable.
You're Sassy. You're Fashion Sassy....
FeelingFresh.com Make offer
Rejuvenated. Refreshed.
Alert. Lively. Hygiene, freshness, cleanliness. ...
FeelingSafe.com Make offer
Home security, personal
protection, auto alarms, self-defense, body/security
guards, consultants...
FeelingSecure.com Make offer
Home security, personal
protection, auto alarms, self-defense, body/security
guards, consultants...
FitandHealthy.com New! Web site up! Make offer
Workout centers, spas,
stores, organic foods, vitamins, exercise equipment,
aerobics, watching your weight, staying in shape, and
being fit and healthy!
GameShowCenter.com Make offer
The one-stop source for
all things game show!
GameShowFever.com Make offer
So much better than the
flu. Is that your final answer?
GameShowWinner.com Make offer
For and about those who
have had, or aspire to have, the final answer. Know them.
Be one.
GameShowWinners.com Make offer
For and about those who
have had, or aspire to have, the final answer. Know them.
Be one.
GenericPillStore.com Make offer
Online pharmacy, drug
store, wholesale medications, nonprescription drugs, and
GolfUltra.com Make offer
Golf! Drivers, Irons,
wedges, putters, balls, clothing, accessories, advice,
HigherMargin.com Web site up! Make offer
Everyone wants a higher
margin. Accountants, financial planners, stock investors,
day traders...
HigherMargins.com Web site up! Make offer
Everyone wants higher
margins. Accountants, financial planners, stock
investors, day traders...
HotTopping.com Make offer
What's your favorite
Hot Topping? No, not food. Hot topics. Ezine. Trends.
Design. Gadgets. Fashion.
HotToppings.com Make offer
What's your favorite
Hot Topping? No, not food. Hot topics. Ezine. Trends.
Design. Gadgets. Fashion.
IslandEscape.com Make offer
Aruba, Bahamas,
Bermuda, Hawaii, Jamaica, Virgin Islands, etc.- great
travel or tours site potential...
JollyGoodClean.com Make offer
British phrase -
"The place could use a jolly good clean, eh?".
Residential/Industrial cleaning...
KeepItTogether.com Make offer
Storage, psychology,
memorabilia, collectibles, adhesives, vises, clamps,
hardware, crates, cargo...
KeepThisInMind.com Make offer
collectibles, weddings, memories, photography, fiction
and nonfiction writers...
KingForADay.com Make offer
For men - apparel,
adventure travel, unique gifts & services, birthdays,
massage, contests, sports...
KingsForADay.com Make offer
Please see KingForADay.com above...
LuxKing.com Make offer
Luxury and e-commerce
were made for each other...
LuxKings.com Make offer
Please see LuxKing.com above...
LuxuryKing.com Make offer
These two words say it
all for an online luxury store...
LuxuryKings.com Make offer
Please see LuxuryKing.com above...
MeandMP3.com Make offer
MP3 is the hottest
audio format for Netizens.'s. Music. Apps. Hardware.
Advice. Community.
MemorableAd.com Make offer
What all ads should be!
People see. People remember. People buy. Domain defines
the ad agency!
MemorableAds.com Make offer
What all ads should be!
People see. People remember. People buy. Domain defines
the ad agency!
MightyRx.com Make offer
No lightweight pharmacy
here. Pharmacist can bench press 300 lbs :-) I can
picture the logo now...
MoodEnhancers.com Make offer
Psychiatrists. Therapists. Aroma therapy. Herbal.
Massage. Comedians. Ezine...
NonAllergic.com Make offer
Best if used in
conjunction with NonAllergics.com below.
NonAllergics.com Make offer
Great name! All things
nonallergic, or making people nonallergic. Allergies are
a multibillion dollar...
NonCombustible.com Make offer
Best if used in
conjunction with NonCombustibles.com below.
NonCombustibles.com Make offer
Nonflammable - anything
that does not burn or is fire-retardant, fire-proofing...
OrganicCenter.com Make offer
Organic foods, herbal
remedies, advice, community. Now a $6 billion dollar
market, and growing...
OrganicGoodness.com Make offer
Organic foods, herbal
remedies, advice, community. Now a $6 billion dollar
market, and growing...
PillSale.com Make offer
Best if used in
conjunction with PillSales.com below.
PillSales.com Make offer
Online drug, medical,
herbal remedies, and vitamin sales are poised to
ProfessionalManager.com Make offer
Best if used in
conjunction with ProfessionalManagers.com below.
ProfessionalManagers.com Make offer
Silicon Valley.
Startups. Insanely rapid growth companies. They all need
professional managers...
ProfessionalStrength.com Make offer
Personal trainers.
Exercise equipment and gurus. Powerful cleaners,
solvents, chemicals...
ProManagers.com Make offer
Professional Managers.
Also managing pro athletes or those aspiring to go pro...
RealEstateMavens.com Make offer
Some people merely sell
houses. These people really know their stuff. Clients
love them...
RocketB2B.com Make offer
Business to Business =
B2B. B2B e-commerce will exceed business to consumer
RushRx.com Make offer
You want your
prescription fast. You want it now. You're in a rush. Fast and accurate
SafetyMargin.com Web site up! Make offer
Safety industry.
Security consultants. Security guards. Body guards.
Engineering labs...
SafetyMargins.com Web site up! Make offer
Best if used in
conjunction with SafetyMargin.com above...
SassyFashion.com Make offer
You're Sassy. You're
Fashionable. You like Sassy Fashion...
SpaceCafe.com Make offer
Space. The final...you
know. Ezine, community, restaurants. I can see the Super
Bowl TV ad now...
Swacked.com Make offer
Humor. Politics.
Unusual news. Strange events. The bizarre. Internet
radio. Ezine. Anything, really...
TechBreed.com Make offer
Techies. You know what
you're doing. You're in demand. You make it work. You're
a special breed.
TweenWorld.com Make offer
Tweens are 'in',
Preteens are 'out'. Great opportunity! Growing market of
9-12 year-olds. Just ask...
WildandHot.com Make offer
Clothing. Fashion.
Travel. Interior Design. Ezine. Spicy foods, condiments.
General naughtiness...
WonderNerd.com Make offer
Need tech help? Wonder
Nerd to the rescue! Tech jobs. Tutorials. Code. Cool
WonderNerds.com Make offer
Need tech help? Wonder
Nerds to the rescue! Tech jobs. Tutorials.
Code. Cool Costumes.
WorldSpotlight.com Make offer
Who and what are
currently in the world spotlight? People. Tech. Business. Politics. Concerts.